Sunday 19 June 2011

Double Danger

Tanglestar headed back from the gathering with his clan mates following behind him. He hadn't talk, there was no need. There was no trouble in EmberClan, and for the most part, nothing had threatened the forests that the cats of EmberClan walked, apart from the fox attack that seemed moons away. That was over and the Clan was peaceful. Everyone was getting along.
Than he remember the rouges.
The rouges that had injured his clan mates. His family.
He'd have to send out a patrol to make sure these rouges didn't come back.

"Tanglestar," Fernglade puffed as she caught up with him. "How come you didn't tell the other clans about the rouges?"
His fear was rising but he wouldn't let his clan mates know. "Because the other clans don't need to know about them," Tanglestar meowed simply.
"What if they threaten the lives of the other clans, wouldn't it be our fault?" Fernglade continued.
"No, it will be there problem if they don't scent the flea-bags before  they attack," He snapped.
Fernglade recoiled, her eyes wide with surprise. She casted a glance at Owlsight who shrugged, and receded to the back of the group once again.

Back at camp Shadowkit was playing with Mistykit. Snowfall had fallen asleep and the black kit had persuaded the she-kit in playing outside in the clearing. Sleetkit lingered close by with Viperkit, Frostkit, and Spottedkit.
"Why do they only get to play?" Spottedkit meowed crossly.
"We can play to, I just don't want to," Sleetkit meowed matter-of-factly.
Viperkit rolled her eyes. Toms.

"Can the other kits play?" Mistykit asked and glanced, for a brief heartbeat, at her brother and the three she-kits.
"Why? You don't like playing with me?" Shadowkit meowed. A frown crept onto his small face.
"No! I do, they just seem bored."
"Maybe they don't want to play, I don't think they like me." Shadowkit looked at his paws. Mother would be so proud of me! He thought mischievously. He didn't want to trick the pretty she-cat but she was easy to manipulate.
"What makes you think that?" Mistykit gasped.
Shadowkit grinned in his mind. Easy. "I-I overheard Sleetkit... he doesn't like me, he said I'm a traitor because my mother's a rouge..." He looked up at Mistykit, false hurt shown in his eyes.
"Sleetkit? That's horrible!" She meowed.
Tanglestar arrived in camp with the cats that had been called for a gathering.
"How did it go?" Larkflight asked.
"Well," Tanglestar meowed and pushed passed the gray tom.
Larkflight looked at Blackice with clear confusion, and the black and silver tom shook his head. Now was not the time.
Tanglestar sprang onto the ember stone and called his clan together. "The gathering went great, the new apprentices behaved right, and many new cats were made. I hope everyone remembered not to befriend a cat from another clan, we may fight them some time in the future." He paused for a brief second before continuing.
"I'd like to announce that I welcome the new cats that were attacked by the rouges days earlier. Goldenpaw, Brackenpaw, you will remain apprentices. Brackenpaw your mentor will be Fernglade, Goldenpaw, yours Stonestripe. The queens who fought in the battle, you may live here with your kits as well. Blackflower, Moonshimmer, Lightfeather, you will stay in the nursery until your kits, Spottedkit, Viperkit, Frostkit, Wishkit, and Featherkit are six moons old. Shadow, you will become Shadowkit, I'd like Moonshimmer to watch over him for the time being." Shadowkit broke away from Mistykit and bounded towards Moonshimmer like an innocent bundle of fur.
Tanglestar went on, Stonestripe, Fernglade, Brackenfall, Larkflight, Screechclaw, and Brookrush, you will become warriors. Serve EmberClan well.
That is all, Clan dismissed." Tanglestar didn't even welcome his new clan mates like he usually did, before he padded to his den.

(Feefeekat you wanted Brackenpaw, and Goldenpaw dead? You can RP them with Fernglade and Stonestripe and take them out hunting with their mentors when the rouges attack, it'll help with the plot :) )


  1. ummm i changes my mind i suck so ya its only becuz super squirreltail (abbeycat) decited to join i toytaily suck oh and just to tell you spottedkit is the smalest and she is the youngest so she becomes a apprentice last....ya...

    blackflower purred happy she gets to stay in emberclan "thank you." blackflower walked over to blackice "hi im blackflower..." she meowed she notices blackice was kinda...handsome!

    spottedkit walked over to to mistykit and shawdowkit "hey can we play plez?" she asked wondereding why they dident ask her and the other kits to play...

    brackenpaw smiled to his metor

    goldenpaw frowned he was thinking of squirrelkit she was the cat he always loved he knew cresintpaw loved smallpaw more than he did if squirrelkit ever comes back he'll love her not smallpaw.

  2. (Okay)

    Mistykit looked at Shadowkit and than back to Spottedkit.

  3. spotedkit feelt a littel weird she was younger than mistykit and shawdowkit "can we plez?" she asked in a small voise

  4. brackenpaws warrior name is brackenheart

  5. Mistykit looked back to Shadowkit. "Why not?"

  6. spottedkit looked at shawdowkit "he's big" she thought

  7. Amber{Sharpstone}20 June 2011 at 06:05

    Blackice looked over his muscular shoulder to see Blackflower behind him. He turned around and faced her. "Hello Blackflower, welcome to EmberClan," the head warrior greeted her with a curt smile.

    Smallpaw bounded over to Crescentpaw. She whispered into his ear, "Was it bad that know...sorta befriended a SlateClan apprentice?"

  8. Shadowkit shrugged. "Fine by me." he meowed, inspecting Spottedkit.

  9. blackflower smiled "thank you."blackflower purred

    "what?" spottedkit asked she felt very small compared to shadowkit

    blackflower has a crush on bllackice by the way

  10. Shadowkit rolled his eyes at Spottedkit. 'This job is so annoying.' he thought, before giving a fake smile to Spottedkit.

    "Lets play a game." he meowed, a hiss hiding in his voice through clenched teeth.

    (Don't take it personally; he's just mean.)

  11. Amber{Sharpstone}20 June 2011 at 13:03

    (Yep, don't worry I read her description. :))

    Blackice flicked his tail. "Nice to meet you. Want to share a rabbit?" he asked her polightely.

  12. so gess what abbeycats not going to join so now brackenpaw and goldenpaw die!

    (cool can they be mates wen spottedkit becomes a apprentice?)

    blackflower looked at him "umm ok!"blackflower feelt very happy to be in emberclan now.

    (i know)
    "ok!" spottedkit meowed she paded over to frostkit "shadowkit seems mean...i mean very mean..."she looked at frostkit "dont tell him i said that

    (spottedkit can tell wen cats are mean she can tell cuz all the (20) kits in her old home behave like that wen they act like there nice i dont think your mean in real life)

    goldenpaw and brackenpaw paddden out of camp then the saw a rouge "lets get it off our terratory!" brackenpaw said then jumped at the rouge it bite him in the trout in a minet he was dead goldenpaw raced out the same rouge bite him in the trout goldenpaw a brackenpaw had been killed "im fatty" the big rouge said to the two dead cats
    ~goldenpaw and brackenpaw ~rest in starclan~

  13. Shadowkit snarled as he heard Spottedkit. "Dumb she-cat!" he hissed loud enough for her to hear.

    "No offense." he meowed to Mistykit.

  14. (umm she whispered could he hear her or something? oh and im on my othe account)

    spottedkit looked at the tom he was like thorn,roger,clif and rip they were the meanest toms in her old home " you know what? your a jerk just like Thorn,Roger,Clif,and Rip!" she yelled in her strouge voise "your just like them your a jerk shadowkit."spottedkit shock her head and walked away.

  15. Frostkit, taken aback by this sudden burst of anger from Shadowkit, even though it was not directly towards her that she whimpered and backed away slowly. Viperkit noticed and thought shadowkit was attacking her sister.
    She pounced.
    "DON'T MESS WITH FROSTKIT OR ME!" Viperkit screeched, while clawed on his back.

    Fernglade had been out to hunt and noticed a clump of golden fur and orange fur, leading into a trail. She followed it, and eventually found the two now dead bodies of her apprentice and Goldenpaw. She gasped and took the two cats by the scruff to be dragged to the camp.
    She laid the bodies on the camp floor and went to go tel Tanglestar, who was (Is this ok, Alado?) sitting near her with a rabbit in his jaws. "Um.. Tanglestar?" She turned to look at the limp cats. "It was goldenpaw and Brackepaw... I found scent of a rouge on their fur..."

  16. (What? He never attacked her... And, he's been trained.)

    "You know what? You three are idiots. I don't know who those cats are, but I think you all need to shut up and walk away." he growled, fluffing up his fur so he loomed over the three she-kits.

    "Back off." he hissed.

  17. (Yeah it's fine, and what do you mean Feefeekat? I thought Brackenpaw was dead, Spottedkit can't have him as a mate when he's older)

    Mistykit watched uncomfortably. She didn't know what to say.

    Sleetkit watched as well, his hackles rose but he said nothing.

    Tanglestar cursed under his breath, got up, shook off his dirty pelt and went to inspect the clearing. He ignored the kits and headed for the two lifeless bodies of the apprentices.
    "Cats of EmberClan! It seems Goldenpaw and Brackenpaw have went off without their mentors and were attacked by the rouges, make this a lesson to all of you that you shouldn't be off alone. You may sit vigil for the two toms, after I'd like Blackice and Nightwing to bury their bodies.

    "How horrible," Thunderstrike shook his head with disgust.

  18. (i know so she cant have a crush on him so she dosent he is dead)

    "great than we are idiots! who cares! at least we stand up for ourselfs!"spottedkit keeped yelling it felt go she never did this in her old home shadowkit was much biger than her but now she felt big "sage,lost,and squirrel this is for you guys" she whipered then she jumped on shadowkit "jerk!" she jumped off"come on viperkit frostkit im srry i got you in this mess." she appolagized

  19. "Jerk? Jerk?! You want to see a jerk?! Just because my mother is a rouge doesn't mean a thing. You know what? I'm leaving." he snapped in Spottedkit's direction. Shadowkit stomped out of camp, casting one last glance at Mistykit.

    "Sorry.." he mumbled to her, before padding out of camp.

    (Don't worry; he'll come back)

  20. Amber{Sharpstone}21 June 2011 at 07:15

    Blackice grabbed a rabbit from the pile. He laid down in the sun, and nosed the rabbit to Blackflower's forepaws. He offered her the first bite.

  21. "i dident say any thing about your mother i wouldent my mom took me and my sisters away from our dad my sisters died and now im alone!"spottdkit yelled "fine leave good bye now.!" spottedkit hissed

    blackflower purred "thank you Blackice" blackflower took a small bite "here." she nosed the rabbit over to blackice
    ~blackflower (could blackflower and blackice become mates)

  22. "Quit the sob story." he hissed, padding further into the forest.

  23. spottedkit just hissed and walked away she never wanted to see him again
    ~spottedkit(can shadowkit and spottedkit become friends wen he comes back?)

  24. (I suppose, though I don't see how Shadow would ^^)

    "I hate you." he shouted over his shoulder to Spottedkit, running into the forest.

  25. Amber{Sharpstone}21 June 2011 at 14:24

    (Yeah, Blackice and Blackflower can become mates. But not yet. Tawny and I already learned not to speed up relationships. Anywho, I think that first Blackice and Blackflower should become close friends, than one of them asks to be his/her mate. How does it sound?)

    Blackice grinned, and took a bite from the rabbit. While he chewed it, he nosed it back to Blackflower. "This is a good rabbit."

  26. (ya that is good thats why befor i said after spottedkit becomes an apprentice amber)(tawny spottedkit could forgive him?)
    spotted looked at him "i dont care."she said to herself

    "yes it is" blackflower meowed she took another bite and nosed ot over to blackice
    ~blackflower (how long are they going to eat lol)

  27. (Sure. And lol Amber, yeah, we have.)

    "Sure you don't." he hissed/

  28. spotttedkit ingnowed him she wakled away

  29. Shadowkit whipped around. "Oh oh, you're so angry. I can completely tell," he hissed, his claws unsheathing. She's on my last nerve...

  30. spottedkit still ingnowed him she padded to the nusery and lied in her nest close to the enterans one eye open the other one shut trying to get some sleep
    ~spottedkit (is he going to try to kill her?)

  31. (No.)

    Shadowkit growled, padding back into camp. The small kit sat near the entrance, scanning the crowd of cats.

  32. spottedkit looked up and padded over to him "het shadowkit im really sorry about befor..."she said

  33. Shadowkit ignored her, leaning against the bramble entrance.

  34. spottedkit frowned she looked at shdowkit

  35. Shadowkit just stared at her. "Sorry? Sorry?! No one in this clan is sorry. You can't even imagine my want to scream in annoyance and anger at you." he hissed, leaping to his paws.

  36. spotedkit lowered "im really sorry you can scream at me i was acting like a jerk its not your falt it was mine.i dont blame you for wanting to get out of the camp. just kill me if you want i want to be with my sisters anyway if you hate me so much that you want to kill me than kill me.."she looked at the ground ready to get killed.
    ~spotttedkit (plez dont kill her shadowkit!)

  37. Amber{Sharpstone}22 June 2011 at 14:40

    Blackice took one last bite in the rabbit, and nosed it back to her, letting her take the last piece. "Want to go into the forest after that rabbit?" he asked.

  38. (Of course I won't!)

    Shadowkit turned, his pelt seething. Azure would be so proud if I killed her! But...Mistykit..and the mission. Shadowkit sheathed his claws, turning back.

    "I won't kill you. Stop bringing up dead family; the first stage of healing is acceptance." he meowed. Like I had to forgive Shard, even after he killed the father I'll never know..

  39. "sorry shadowkit nothing"spottedkit got up "friends?she asked

  40. blackflower took the last bite "i'd love to go to the forest blackice."she purred

  41. Shadowkit rolled his eyes, licking her nose in a friendly gesture. "Friends." he meowed. Oh, Azure...please come soon.

  42. Amber{Sharpstone}22 June 2011 at 18:01

    Blackice smiled and piled up the rabbit bones. He stood up and stretched his legs and padded out into the forest beside Blackflower.
    Birds were chirping and flying tree to tree. You could hear the rushing water in the river, birds chirping, ferns and bushes rustling, many more things. The sun glowed on both Blackice and Blackflower's pelts.
    "This is nice," he breathed.

  43. "yes it is"blackflower purred.the suns rays waarmed her pelt. "do you know what The Home Of Peace is?" she asks reambering her old mate spottedkits father Leafclaw.

  44. spottedkit purred she walked back to viperkit and frostkit the head high and her tail too

  45. Amber{Sharpstone}23 June 2011 at 04:23

    "The Home Of Peace?" he asked himself. He shrugged. "What's that?"

  46. "its were i used to live with spottedkit when her name was still spot its were cats and dogs live in peace thats why it called 'The Home Of Peace.'"blackflower frowned "then bagers atcked killed my old mate leafhe told me and spottedkit to leave so we did with spottedkit's two sisters squirrel and thorn (not the bad one a good one) but on the jerney they died.. then we meet moonshimmerfrostkit,viperkit,lightfeather,featherkit,and wishkit at the battel."blackflower meowed

  47. Amber{Sharpstone}23 June 2011 at 06:03

    Blackice frowned and touched his nose to her flank in a friendly gesture. "I'm sorry for your losses," he sighed.

  48. blackflower looked at him "its all right they died sawing spottedkit for almost setan death."she meowed "sometimes i think leaf is in starclan but we dident belz in starclan now whe do though."she meowed

  49. Amber{Sharpstone}23 June 2011 at 16:10

    "Your family seemed great," Blackice meowed calmly. He then thought about his family. They were all dead except for Smallpaw.

  50. Owlsight's ears folded back on his head. Things weren't going so well, the two dead cats, the kits bickering... He bowed his head sadly and sat in the shade of a large rock.

    Songstream looked around, and smiled warmly at Tanglestar.

    (I'm gonna join as a kit if that's okay.)

  51. spottedkit smailed turn and walked she noticed shawdowkit not following her "you comin'"she asked

    they were blackflower thought "i bet your family was greaat too!?!"she meowed quite shocked he hadent mentioned his family yet.
    ~blackflower (she's not a jerk wen she said they were she was just thnking that blackflower was not trying to be mean)

  52. Amber{Sharpstone}24 June 2011 at 06:08

    (Don't worry, I get it LOL!)

    My family? Well here it goes. "When I was the age of an apprentice, my mother kitted and Smallpaw was born. But my mother didn't survive the kitting. Too much of her blood was lost." He looked away and took in a deep breath. "And my father died a moon later protecting Smallpaw and I from badgers. My father told me that I need to raise Smallpaw." He looked back at her. "And here I am."

  53. "bl-blackice thats so...sad..."she said with sadness in her eyes

  54. Frostkit was both startled and happy about her friend being so happy so suddenly after Shadowkit's rage.

  55. Mistykit walked over to Shadowkit and Spottedkit. "Hi," she smiled. Her blue eyes shinning with friendliness.

    Crescentpaw trotted over to Smallpaw with a rabbit. "Care to share?" His meow was muffled by the freshkill but his eyes held a playful glint.

  56. "Hey," he purred, touching noses in a friendly greeting with Mistykit.

  57. (Oh sorry just read your thing in the c-box)

    Hiddenpaw wandered into the clearing. She froze when she saw all the cat, then slowly turned to leave. She then recognized Shadowkit."Shadow, is that you?"

  58. tawny not going to be on bloger

  59. Amber{Sharpstone}27 June 2011 at 04:24

    Blackice liked Blackflower's sympathy. It made him feel more...welcomed. "I think I'm over it."

    "Of course!" Smallpaw purred warmly. "And thanks for the offer!"

  60. "oh,... ok,." she meowed her eyes looking around

  61. plez look at this blog its me and supers clan

  62. (If Tawny is going to leave, does anyone want to play Shadowkit? He's really important for the plot, as well as his mother Azure)

  63. Blazepaw looked around the clearing and his hackles raised when he spotted Hiddenpaw. "What're you doing in EmberClan's camp?" He hissed when he stalked up to her.

    "Blazepaw, what did Tanglestar tell you?" Sweetpaw growled.

  64. (ill play shawdowkit and azure)

    spottedkit spotted (ha that sounds funny)blazepaw "blazepaw why did.." she saw hiddenpaw and her hackles raised "who are you?" she vgrowed in her head she was terafid

  65. Sweetpaw shot a glare at Spottedkit. "Leave the interviewing to Tanglestar. Both of you, go." She meowed and flicked her brother with her tail.

    (Sure if no one else wants to play them, also the deputy of the rouges, a maine coon tom needs to be played as well)

  66. "sorry sweetpaw " spottedkit turn away back over to frostkit and viperkit

  67. Amber{Sharpstone}28 June 2011 at 18:07

    "Something on your mind?" Blackice broke the silence. He looked at Blackflower.

  68. "It's okay, Spottedkit." Sweetpaw meowed and she nudged her brother.

  69. "ummm yes i gess we have been gone for some time i need to back and cheek on spottedkit"blackflower meowed her eyes still looking around
    ~blackflower (i cant speel words)

  70. Amber{Sharpstone}29 June 2011 at 07:54

    (Thats fine!!)

    Blackice rose to his paws. "Alright then," Blackice meowed simply.

  71. "ok i being heading back"she meowed giveing blackice a friendly lick on the cheek.she turned at ran back to camp.

  72. (Back!)

    Shadowkit sighed. Azure needed him to do this, but this wasn't an easy mission.

  73. (Yes! ahh! i is dumb!i cant not beleave i did that)
